Thursday, October 21, 2010


sometimes i sit down to write and i can almost feel the great flow of words that need to escape and i think this time it will be great, witty, just flowing from my thoughts to my fingers. there would be no need to stop, reread and delete b/c i am becoming a very competent writer. but.. as i start i can already feel my thoughts jumping from this, to that and back. i wonder why it sounds so good in my head but less than stellar in print? but i guess that's what writers do. WRITE, write until it becomes second nature like breathing. my desire to write is always there, just the creative feeling i get is enough for me to keep on trying. it feels so good knowing that i can write about anything, anyone, truth, fiction, it's endless. maybe if i keep writing, keep practicing, yes practise i will have my great witty thoughts flowing through my fingers.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

run run run wow busy busy never a moment to rest!! up, down, sit, stand. sometimes i forget which way I'm going. but i wouldn't want to change that for anything. my life might not appear perfect, i don't own a home, i don't have a new car, my savings account hasn't reached a 4 digit number yet, BUT..... i see my worth in other wonderful ways. my children are the greatest , i have a job that i truly like, i have a handful of solid friends who love me for me, and i am a good person. letting go of my addiction and focusing on my recovery has given me the ability to achieve this and so much more. i now wake up knowing that good things do happen, and i look forward to each new day. may everyone find their own peace.

with love
deb xo