Thursday, November 4, 2010

three little mice

three little mice ...see how they run....and run they do. Time seems to be sprinting by as I realize my middle and slightly rebellious mouse is turning 18 tomorrow. After 24 hours of hard labour she came into this world tush first. That should of been a little warning of what was to come. It was like she was saying "Don't mess with me". Don't get me wrong, she is awesome in so many ways and there are many reasons why I am proud of her, she is kind, loves her sisters, fiercely loyal, honest, and hilarious to the point that it brings tears to my eyes. This kids ROCKS. An example of her loyalty and love of family was when she was maybe 9 years old and her sister who was 14 yrs old got jumped by 3 girls when she was getting off the bus in front of our house. She ran out the door, yelling, fists flying at the 3 teenagers who started to get the best of her sister. Middle mouse and my then 69 yrs old mom close on her heals managed to scare off the bullies. Helping her sister up, and with her fist still in the air she yells"Stay away from my sister or I'll kick your ass. (OOPS) My mom telling me this story couldn't keep a straight face. Since then there has been MANY times that this spunky spirit has come to light, sometimes good sometimes not so good, but either way my little mouse Happy Birthday and mom loves you so much.